The Effect of Using Rebozo Technique during Labor on the Sensation of Labor Pain and Labor Duration
Childbirth, Labor duration, Labor pain, Midwifery, Rebozo techniqueAbstract
Background: Labor pain is one of the most severe pain types known and it is especially more intense in primiparous women. For this reason, this experimental study was conducted on the rebozo technique applied during labor in primiparous pregnant women to determine its effect on the perception of labor pain and labor duration.
Methods: This study was conducted between 1 July 2021 and 31 January 2022 in a private institution with two groups, 30 patients got treated with rebozo, rebozo group, 30 people in the control group, with a total of 60 patients. Data collection tools included patient information form, partograph form, Visual Analog Scale (VAS). Data was analysed with SPSS. Physical characteristics were similar (p>0.05).
Results: Application of Rebozo technique shortened the duration of the active phase of labor, the duration of the total active phase and the duration between the active phase and delivery. VAS score was found to be significantly lower with Rebozo technique application (p<0.05).
Conclusion: The study suggests that the rebozo technique is a reliable and effective method for reducing labor duration and pain sensation.
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