Research and Publication Misconduct

Policy on Research and Publication Misconduct

The editorial board will diligently monitor and address potential publishing misconduct, including but not limited to duplicate publication, plagiarism, and the use of false or fabricated data, images, and figures. They will also scrutinize any alterations to authorship, unexplained conflicts of interest, and ethical concerns related to submitted manuscripts. In cases where suspected research or publication misconduct arises, the board will adhere to the guidelines and recommendations provided by the "Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)."

Post-Publication Policy on Paper Retraction

The Editor-in-Chief will contemplate the retraction of a paper in the following circumstances:

  • When there is compelling evidence indicating that the findings are unreliable, stemming from misconduct like data fabrication, miscalculation, or experimental errors.
  • If the findings have been previously published elsewhere without appropriate cross-referencing, permission, or valid justification.
  • In cases of plagiarism found within the paper.
  • When the paper reports unethical research practices.