Quality of life of inpatients in the mental health ward of Herat Regional Hospital: a cross-sectional study


  • Abdul Qadim Mohammadi Herat Regional Hospital
  • Mohammad Shafiq Omair Herat Regional Hospital
  • Najmuddin Najm Herat Regional Hospital
  • Zabiullah Ishaqzai Herat Regional Hospital
  • Firooz Ahmad Faez Herat Regional Hospital
  • Sadeq Abdullahi Herat Regional Hospital
  • Morteza Noormohammadi Afghanistan Center for Epidemiological Studies




Quality of Life, patients, Herat-Afghanistan


Background: Quality of life is a vital parameter for assessing the impact of severe psychiatric conditions on patients, significantly influencing their overall well-being. This study aims to comprehensively examine and evaluate the quality of life among inpatients in the Mental Health Ward of Herat Regional Hospital.

Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted from September 23, 2022, to October 12, 2022, involving 147 inpatients from the Mental Health Ward of Herat Regional Hospital.

Results: The study included 147 participants, with the majority (59.9%) falling within the 15-28 age range, and 20.4% were male. Among the respondents, 79.6% reported poor physical health, while 20.4% of hospitalized patients reported good mental health. Regarding gender, females (84.6%) exhibited worse physical health compared to males. Moreover, individuals with limited literacy (unable to read and write) had a lower physical health score (82.3%). Among unemployed participants, only 37.5% reported good physical health. Females (82.9%) also showed worse mental health compared to males, with a statistically significant correlation observed between gender and mental health.

Conclusion: The quality of life of inpatients in the Mental Health Ward of Herat Regional Hospital was found to be lower in both physical and mental dimensions compared to hospitalized patients in other countries. Identifying factors contributing to the poor quality of life among patients is of paramount importance. Targeted interventions are needed to prevent morbidity and mitigate factors impacting the quality of life of these patients.

Author Biographies

Abdul Qadim Mohammadi, Herat Regional Hospital

Mental Health Ward, Herat Regional Hospital, Herat, Afghanistan.

Mohammad Shafiq Omair, Herat Regional Hospital

Mental Health Ward, Herat Regional Hospital, Herat, Afghanistan.

Najmuddin Najm, Herat Regional Hospital

Mental Health Ward, Herat Regional Hospital, Herat, Afghanistan.

Zabiullah Ishaqzai, Herat Regional Hospital

Mental Health Ward, Herat Regional Hospital, Herat, Afghanistan.

Firooz Ahmad Faez, Herat Regional Hospital

Mental Health Ward, Herat Regional Hospital, Herat, Afghanistan.

Sadeq Abdullahi, Herat Regional Hospital

Mental Health Ward, Herat Regional Hospital, Herat, Afghanistan.

Morteza Noormohammadi, Afghanistan Center for Epidemiological Studies

Afghanistan Center for Epidemiological Studies, Herat, Afghanistan.


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How to Cite

Mohammadi, A. Q., Omair, M. S., Najm, N., Ishaqzai, Z., Faez, F. A., Abdullahi, S., & Noormohammadi, M. (2023). Quality of life of inpatients in the mental health ward of Herat Regional Hospital: a cross-sectional study. Afghanistan Journal of Medical Sciences, 1(1), 37–47. https://doi.org/10.56101/ajms.v1i1.114